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What is Labiaplasty?

Labiaplasty is a cosmetic surgery to rejuvenate a woman’s vulva, most commonly to reduce the size of the labia. There is no one “right way” that female genitalia should look, but overly large inner labia (labia minora) may be classified as a condition called hypertrophy. Labiaplasty is a highly customizable procedure that can relieve physical or psychological discomfort associated with large or misshapen labia. 

At Elle Aesthetics Arts & Plastic Surgery in Ashburn, Virginia, highly experienced and board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Larry Lickstein performs labiaplasty surgery for patients from Loudoun County and beyond. Dr. Lickstein combines compassion, discretion, artistry, and surgical skill in order to provide natural-looking results that are consistent with women’s health and wellness goals.

Who Gets Labiaplasty?

Women of varying ages and lifestyles seek out labiaplasty procedures and the one thing they all have in common is a desire to feel comfortable and confident in their body. There are many different reasons for labiaplasty surgery—some women with large labia experience pain, discomfort, or irritation when working out, wearing tight clothing, or simply going about their daily activities, while others may dislike the way that their labia looks and want to feel less self-conscious in intimate situations. Some labiaplasty patients have always had concerns with overly large labia, while others seek to address changes that have occurred as a result of aging or childbirth.

Benefits of Labiaplasty

When performed by an experienced plastic surgeon, Labiaplasty can: 

Labiaplasty With Emsella for Vaginal Rejuvenation

By addressing cosmetic and functional concerns of the exterior of the vulva, labiaplasty can give many women a boost of confidence and increased comfort during intimacy. If you would like to improve vaginal tightness and pelvic strength, you may consider adding Emsella® to your treatment plan. The Emsella Chair is a non-surgical, non-invasive that uses HIFEM (High Intensity Focused Electromagnetic) to target muscles in the vaginal canal and pelvic floor. A strong pelvic floor can increase sexual health and fulfillment. Learn more about Emsella.

Frequently Asked Questions About Labiaplasty

  • Am I a good candidate for labiaplasty surgery?

    If you are bothered by large inner labia, labiaplasty could be right for you. Ideal candidates are over 18, in good general health, and have realistic expectations for the surgical process and results.

  • Will I have scars after labiaplasty?

    The natural texture and folds of the labia allow for nearly undetectable scarring after labiaplasty—in fact labiaplasty scars heal so well that even a gynecologist may not be able to notice them.2

  • Can I give birth after labiaplasty?

    Yes, labiaplasty will not affect your ability to give birth. However, it may change how your labia looks and for that reason many women wait to have labiaplasty until they are done growing their families.

  • Can I combine labiaplasty with other cosmetic procedures?

    Yes, many women choose to include labiaplasty as part of a comprehensive mommy makeover treatment plan.

Contact Us

At Elle Aesthetics Arts & Plastic Surgery, we are dedicated to helping women feel empowered to live their best lives. Contact us if you would like to learn more about labiaplasty.

1 Veale, D., Naismith, I., Eshkevari, E. et al. Psychosexual outcome after labiaplasty: a prospective case-comparison study. Int Urogynecol J 25, 831–839 (2014) doi:10.1007/s00192-013-2297-2

2 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Four common questions women have about recovery after labiaplasty. Available: Accessed March 6, 2022

Elle Aesthetic Arts