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Neck Lift Surgery in Northern Virginia

The skin of the neck is very delicate, and this area is often one of the first to show signs of aging. Over time, wrinkles, vertical banding, sagging skin, jowls, and a double chin can cause a person to look older than he or she desires. Fortunately, by evacuating fat deposits and tightening underlying tissues through a neck lift procedure, facial plastic surgeon Dr. Larry Lickstein can help his patients in Loudoun County achieve a more youthful appearance.

Why Choose Dr. Larry Lickstein for Your Neck Lift?

Dr. Larry Lickstein is a board-certified plastic surgeon whose skills are highly sought-after in Loudoun County and beyond. Not only do Dr. Lickstein’s extensive knowledge of anatomy and artistic sensibilities yield consistently stunning cosmetic surgery results, but his personal approach to relating with his patients contributes to a truly exceptional experience. Dr. Lickstein always takes the time to listen carefully to his patients’ concerns and desires, then suggests the ideal procedure to help them achieve their aesthetic goals.

Benefits of a Neck Lift

A neck lift involves the removal of excess fat from the neck and jaw area, as well as tightening loose skin and underlying neck muscles. This procedure can yield a dramatically more youthful and refreshed appearance, with benefits such as:

  • A slimmer neck
  • Reduce wrinkles on the neck
  • Remove excess fat deposits
  • Eliminate the appearance of a double chin
  • Reduce or eliminate the appearance of vertical banding and neck folds
  • Eliminate excess hanging skin
  • Enhanced jawline definition
  • Improved chin and neck contours1

For the most dramatic rejuvenation, some of Dr. Lickstein’s patients choose to combine their neck lift surgery with a facelift or eyelid surgery.

Types of Neck Lift

Neck Lift

A traditional neck lift is most suitable for patients with moderate to severe excess skin on the neck and provides the most pronounced results. For this procedure, an incision is made in the behind the ear and along the hairline. Another incision is made under the chin. Dr. Lickstein tightens the platysma muscle (platysmaplasty), removes excess fat, and repositions underlying tissues before carefully removing excess loose skin.

Liposuction Neck Lift

A liposuction neck lift is the best solution for patients who have good skin elasticity, where excess fat is the main sign of aging to the neck area. During this procedure, Dr. Lickstein makes very small incisions through which he inserts a cannula to remove excess fat along the jawline, under the chin, and on the neck.

What to Expect During Your Neck Lift

Preparing for Surgery

During your initial consultation with Dr. Lickstein, he will conduct a detailed review of your medical history. He will take the time to fully examine your neck and listen to your aesthetic concerns so that you can arrive together at the right treatment plan for you. You will also be given detailed preoperative instructions as well as instructions for your neck lift recovery.

How Neck Lift Surgery Works

A neck lift is an outpatient procedure. A full neck lift is performed under general anesthesia, while a mini neck lift or liposuction neck lift may only require local anesthesia or IV sedation. To begin the procedure, Dr. Lickstein will carefully make an incision. He will remove excess fat from the neck area, and may also tighten the underlying muscles and trim away excess skin. Once he is satisfied with the results, Dr. Lickstein closes the incisions with sutures and the patient is moved to a recovery area where he or she will be monitored as anesthesia wears off.2

Neck Lift Recovery

Neck lift recovery varies depending on the type of procedure performed. Following your neck lift, you will need to wear a compression garment around your neck for at least the first week. Most patients are able to return to work one to two weeks after a neck lift, though Dr. Lickstein recommends that patients avoid strenuous exercise and activities for at least three to four weeks.

Neck Lift Results

A neck lift can resolve many signs of aging to the neck, chin, and jawline. Most of Dr. Lickstein’s patients begin to notice the results of their neck lift within a couple of weeks of the procedure, and full results are usually apparent in six months or less.

Contact Elle Aesthetic Arts

If you feel that excess neck skin, banding, and fat deposits on your neck or jowls makes you appear older, you may be a good candidate for a neck lift with Dr. Larry Lickstein. To learn more about this procedure and schedule your personal consultation with Dr. Lickstein, please contact us at Elle Aesthetic Arts.

Frequently Asked Questions About Neck Lift Surgery

  • Who is a candidate for neck lift surgery?

    If you are considering cosmetic surgery, there are many factors to consider as you evaluate whether this is the right procedure for you. In general, candidates for neck lift surgery are in good overall health, do not smoke, and are troubled by excess skin, fat, and laxity in the neck.

  • Will I have scars after my neck lift?

    Neck lift scars vary depending on the type of procedure performed. A full neck lift uses the most extensive incision, but scars are hidden beneath the hairline and behind the ears. With any type of procedure, Dr. Lickstein is careful to place incisions in areas where scarring will be least noticeable.

  • What are the risks of a neck lift?

    Any surgical procedure is associated with some risk of complications, but working with a highly experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Larry Lickstein is the best way to ensure optimal results. Risks of neck lift surgery, while rare, may include:

    • Bleeding
    • Poor scarring
    • Infection
    • Sub-optimal results3

1 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. What is a neck lift? Available: Accessed June 25, 2021.

2 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. What are the steps of a neck lift procedure? Available: Accessed June 25, 2021.

3 Mayo Clinic. Neck Lift. Available: Accessed June 25, 2021.

Elle Aesthetic Arts